Maunakea Weather Center

MKWC Forecaster Fog Statistics
Select Forecaster: MKWC Forecaster | GFS | WRF
Select Variable: Fog | Temperature | Precipitable Water | Seeing
Select Forecast Night: Night-1 | Night-2 | Night-3 | Night-4 | Night-5
% Chance Num. of Times Observed Num. of Times this % Forecasted Forecaster's %
0 641 11983 5
5 34 247 14
10 158 815 19
15 45 231 19
20 167 639 26
25 216 638 34
30 154 449 34
35 11 43 26
40 228 554 41
45 1 1 100
50 322 673 48
55 6 10 60
60 387 703 55
65 80 172 47
70 30 62 48
75 561 923 61
80 99 142 70
85 23 25 92
90 818 1028 80
95 292 320 91
100 524 559 94

Observed Not Observed
Forecasted 524 (H) 35 (F)
Not Forecasted 641 (M) 11342 (Z)

Skill Stats
Proportion of Perfect FCSTS (PPF)0.95
Probability of Detection (POD)0.45
False Alarm Rate (FAR)000
Frequency Bias Index (FBI)0.48

PPF = (H+Z)/(H+F+M+Z)FAR = F/(F+Z)
FBI = (H+F)/(H+M)POD = H/(H+M)

Fog Stats last updated on: Wed, Oct 2 2024 - 1903 UTC