Maunakea Weather Center

MKWC Forecaster Fog Statistics
Select Variable: Fog | Temperature | Precipitable Water | Seeing
Select Forecast Night: Night-1 | Night-2 | Night-3 | Night-4 | Night-5
% Chance Num. of Times Observed Num. of Times this % Forecasted Forecaster's %
0 574 12449 5
5 29 224 13
10 115 774 15
15 45 244 18
20 172 689 25
25 169 564 30
30 179 484 37
35 25 54 46
40 231 582 40
45 0 0 --
50 259 556 47
55 4 4 100
60 389 648 60
65 97 154 63
70 36 50 72
75 553 839 66
80 92 122 75
85 6 13 46
90 602 738 82
95 284 299 95
100 901 959 94

Observed Not Observed
Forecasted 901 (H) 58 (F)
Not Forecasted 574 (M) 11875 (Z)

Skill Stats
Proportion of Perfect FCSTS (PPF)0.95
Probability of Detection (POD)0.61
False Alarm Rate (FAR)000
Frequency Bias Index (FBI)0.65

PPF = (H+Z)/(H+F+M+Z)FAR = F/(F+Z)
FBI = (H+F)/(H+M)POD = H/(H+M)

Fog Stats last updated on: Sat, Jan 25 2025 - 1902 UTC